Give your students the experience to Get A Good Start!

Are you a Career Services or Student Success Advisor or Director? 

Are you seeking a curriculum to prepare your students beyond what is taught in their classes? 

Add the experience of thirty years of corporate success in order to better prepare them for internships and the corporate world. Let's give them the knowledge that will help set them up for success including Networking, Relationship Building, Mastering Meetings, Work Habits, and Managing Perceptions in the work environment.

Scott has dedicated himself to teaching others the things which have made him successful throughout his career. His mission is to provide a competitive advantage to others, not only in the professional arena but also in their personal lives.

To learn more about the Seminars Scott can provide to your students, read the outlines HERE.

Visit Get A Good Start HERE.

Learn more about Scott by Clicking HERE.

"Scott is a tremendous resource for people looking to break into the corporate world. He has all the experience and knowledge you’ll need, and he delivers his advice in a personable and understandable way. I worked for Scott for five years, and, looking back on that time, I am incredibly grateful to have worked for and learned from someone like him—a humble, hard-working man, skilled marketeer, and genuinely good person who always has the other person’s best interest at heart."

William M., Morristown, NJ

"Being a college student I find that we are coached to go out and get a job but not necessarily how to operate once you make it to your first day. By implementing the tools that Scott has learned to make himself successful, into my own career, I find comfort having a better understanding in how to behave and succeed in the corporate environment."

Dale D., Boston, MA

"When I attended one of Scott's seminars, his overall presentation style was very good and meshed the topic material with real world examples and informative discussion. His lessons mirror my real world experiences in the corporate world as an intern, letting you understand how to navigate and maximize your interactions with others."

Jeremy S., College Senior

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